7 Ways To Be More Mindful
Mindfulness continues to be a bit of a buzz word, often sold as a fix all, cure everything - a magic pill. For some people even the word mindfulness is a complete turn off. So if that’s you, don’t stop reading - perhaps exchange the word mindful with present.
It’s no secret I’m a huge fan and being more present has completely transformed my life in many ways. It’s helped me to notice my thoughts and feelings rather than be steam rolled by them. It’s brought more joy and contentment into my life.
1. Mindful shower.
Spend your time in the shower tuning into the sensation of the water cascading down your skin or observing it running down the shower screen. Notice the temperature of the water, any steam gathering, the cool air passing over your wet body as you step out, the touch of the towel, the scent of your body wash or shampoo. When you notice your mind drifting off to your to-do list bring it back to experience of showering.
2. Mindful meal.
Sit down and turn off the TV, remove any other distractions and this includes ensuring your mobile phone is well out of reach! Slowly eat your meal focusing on the task and not allowing your mind to jump to the next thought. Have gratitude for the food on your plate that is about to nourish you. Slowly and mindfully with each mouthful, tune into the taste, the texture, the temperature. How does it feel to have the food travel down into your stomach? Notice the sensation as you swallow. How do you feel after each mouthful?
3. Transport time out.
This is probably my favourite place to practise mindfulness. Sound strange? In my busy life, being on public transport on the way to work is one place I have a few minutes to myself. I take the time during the 30-45 minute commute to look around, observe the other commuters, tune into any smells and the temperature on the tram. I'm mindful of where I sit and if there is a chair in the sun, I mindfully choose that seat so I can bask in the sunlight. It gets me in the mood to start my day on a positive note. I enjoy the view of the parks and shops as we pass by. Sometimes I close my eyes and listen to a mini meditation or my favourite tunes.
4. Moving meditation.
Do you have trouble sitting still or are new to mindfulness or meditation? Try a moving meditation, whether this be yoga, Tai Chi, or Qigong. Or go for a mindful walk in nature where you really stop and pay attention to the beauty around you. It might be noticing the wildlife, really feeling the cold hit your face on a fresh winter day or the sun warming your whole body as you walk along the beach. Breathe deeply and soak up the wonder that is life.
5. People watch.
I travelled the world in my late 20s and early 30s and in the end I had just as much fun people watching as visiting the traditional buildings and iconic sights. Find a special place, it might be a park or a café and watch the world go by. Observe people interacting and try not to judge or analyse, just watch your thoughts enter and pass on through. Take a journal to record your observations or write a list of what you're grateful for.
6. Body scan.
Do a mini body scan meditation to really tune into your body and how it is feeling. Close your eyes, it doesn’t matter if you're lying down or sitting. Imagine a photocopier or a full body scanner moving over your body. Notice any tension, tightness or softness as you scan. Notice any other sensations like restlessness, itchiness, the temperature of different areas of the body, the sensation of air brushing exposed skin. Resist trying to change or “fix” anything, allow yourself to experience whatever is coming up, moment to moment.
7. Morning routine.
Avoid reaching for your phone first thing in the morning! Instead blink open your eyes and tune in to your breath, the heat of your body, the cold touching your face, any tightness needing a stretch and the sounds outside your window. Sometimes I hear birds chirping but on Fridays I hear the distant sound of the garbage truck! Notice your thoughts - is the mind racing or skipping to your to-do list? Set an intention for the day or say a positive affirmation.
Try some of these simple techniques and let me know how you go. The biggest challenge in practising being more present is to remember to do it! Put some sticky notes around the house or a notification on your phone as a prompt.
Did you know I use mindfulness based techniques, backed by science with my coaching clients to help them manage anxiety and overwhelm? If you're experiencing feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, stress or feeling stuck, there is another way. Book a complimentary 20 minute chat today.